Keeping Sharp During the Lull

Ugh. Winter in Indiana is gross. Anyone else ready for Spring?

Not surprisingly, it's pretty slow right now in regards to client sessions. I don't own/rent studio space, so my indoor shoot locations are limited to clients' homes or places with public access. 

So, what's a photographer to do when business is so slow he's afraid he might forget how to work a camera?

Why, break out the macro lens and capture images of (mostly) dead stuff in my yard, of course! 

Exciting right? Actually, in all honesty the different textures/colors made experimenting with exposure & focus settings and the editing sort of fun, so it wasn't that lame.

Oh, yeah -- I've still got some open dates for photos this Spring and it's beginning to look like I'll be significantly LESS available than I previously thought ... so ... uh ... no pressure or anything :)

Happy Hump Day!





Seriously, people... I am NOT a Photographer!